Six Steps to Increase Web Site ROI

Monday, December 12, 2005
Posted by Brawlin Melgar

Article by:  The Guerrilla Consultant
400 Consultants Reveal Their Web Marketing Hits and Misses Results of New Web Marketing Survey: Six Steps to Increase Web Site ROI

What do 400 consultants know about Web marketing? The results of the recent Guerrilla Consulting Web Site Self-Assessment show that more than 50% of consultants don't know enough about using their Web sites to generate new business and nurture client relationships.

San Francisco, CA – December 12, 2005 – What do 400 consultants know about Web marketing? The results of the recent Guerrilla Consulting Web Site Self-Assessment show that more than 50% of consultants don't know enough about using their Web sites to generate new business and nurture client relationships.

"You'd think consultants would have mastered the intricacies of using the Web to attract new clients and retain existing ones," says Michael W. McLaughlin, author of the study. "Apparently, that's not the case for many consultants."

According to McLaughlin, who is also the coauthor of the bestseller Guerrilla Marketing for Consultants, one of the biggest problems is that too many consultants neglect to make their Web sites a high marketing priority.

Of the consultants who reported that their Web sites have been successful in improving their businesses, McLaughlin points out the following survey results:

65% said their sites are a "very important" part of their marketing strategy.

70% had updated their sites' content within the last thirty days.

80% offer proprietary information for clients to read or download—at no cost.

Almost 90% monitor visitor traffic patterns on their sites.

They are nine times more likely to have asked five clients to look at their sites and provide input before the sites went live.

67% balance site content equally between education and promotion.

Based on the survey results, McLaughlin identifies six steps consultants need to take to maximize the Return on Investment (ROI) of their Web sites.

Andrea Harris
(978) 897-1616 

About The Guerrilla Consultant -- a complementary, online newsletter dedicated to applying the principles of Guerrilla Marketing to the work and lives of professional consultants.