SMB Employers Watching Employees
Friday, February 24, 2006Posted by Brawlin Melgar Percentage of employers monitoring some or all of their employees in the following ways: Monitoring and reviewing Web Sites visited 76% Storing and reviewing e-mail messages 55% Using smartcard technology to control building / data center access 53% Monitor time spent on the phone and numbers called 51% Using video surveillance to counter theft, violence, sabotage 51% Saving and reviewing employees' computer files 50% Monitoring time employees spend on computer, content, keystrokes entered 36% Taping employee phone conversations 22% Using video surveillance to monitor performance 16% Taping and reviewing voice mail messages 15% Using global positioning technology to monitor/track company vehicles 8% Using GPS technology to monitor/track employee ID/smartcards 8% Using fingerprints scans to control building/data center access 5% Using GPS technology to monitor/track company cell phones 5% Using facial recognition technology to control building/data center access 2% Using iris scan technology to control building access 0.5% SOURCES: 2005 ELECTRONIC MONITORING & SURVEILLANCE SURVEY BY THE AMERICAN MANAGEMENT ASSOCIATION AND EPOLICY INSTITUTE.