Windows 7 Meeting in Vegas for the SMB Channel
Thursday, September 3, 2009Posted by Brawlin Melgar

Windows 7 SMB Channel Partner Launch at SMB Nation Fall 2009
(Las Vegas, October 2-4)
(Las Vegas, October 2-4)
Join SMB Nation as they welcome Windows 7 to the SMB channel in early October.
The 7th Annual SMB Nation Fall conference is the independent conference that brings together "GeekSpeak" and "BusinessSpeak" for three intensive days resulting in bona fide technology takeaways you can deliver to your small and medium business customers immediately.
Learning paths:
* GeekSpeak: Windows 7, Small Business Server, Hosted "Cloud" applications and much more.
* BusinessSpeak: How to content on increasing sales as an SMB technology consultant and much more.
* Telephonation: Learn about SMB VoIP opportunities
* Social Media: Don't lose another day to your completion using local search, LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook and "Pure Frickin' Magic"
* Mingle at "Hallway 101" with the best in the business including MVPs, published authors, noted technical and business gurus. This conference is delivered by the community for the community!
* So sign up immediately to attend SMB Nation Fall. Don't gamble with your future!